SEO Content Writing Checklist

SEO tender writers is often seen as a skill only for a few select SEO professionals.

With these few tips you should be on your way with understanding the fundamental core content structure of website optimization even if you are not an “SEO professional”.

Content Writing for SEO

All throughout my education, whenever I had to memorize something, I would create an acronym for it. It was the simplest way to remember huge volumes of information (most of which I still don’t understand why I had to know). When I started learning about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) I faced the same problem, but with the help of  few  of the best marketing company websites I was able to learn much quickly. Such websites have only reaffirmed my faith in them as they exhibit search engine marketing processes that work. The constant need to remember all the nuances of SEO from URL, HTML structure to meta tags, keyword density, and linking strategies was definitely not at easy task at the beginning.

While SEO concepts keep evolving with each algorithm update by the major search engines, having the SEO acronym and cheat sheet that I created for SEO content writing, was optimal to remembering various aspects of SEO.
Easy SEO Content Writing Checklist.

Key- Keywords: Choose your focus keyword keeping in mind that long tail keywords might have fewer monthly searches but better result ranking and more targeted results.

H- Heading: When possible use the keyword in segment sections using the heading (<h>) tags, as it tells search engine bots what your main body text is about.

I- Internal and inbound links: Remember to build links both internally and externally. Link internal related pages to help crawlers discover other pages on your website and for better visitor engagement. Create an inbound link building strategy by contributing content on similar topics that can be referenced back to your website (Las Vegas Web Design). With time, you will find other websites linking to you organically, but this is one of the ways to effectively start link building. Avoid link farms.

T- Title & URL: Use the focus keywords in the title and URL preferably towards the beginning instead of the ending if possible.

B- Beginning: Use focus keywords towards the beginning of your web copy as content towards the beginning usually carries more weight than content towards the bottom. This also a good practice to do this for your landing pages to improve user engagement and conversions.

I- Image: All images used should have alternative tags defined that are related to the chosen keywords.

R- Repeat & Alternate: Be sure to use target keywords a few times throughout your document but also remember to use variations of the word and avoid keyword stuffing.

D – Description: Use the focus keywords in your HTML meta tags description in a way that can encourage clicks on Search Engine Results Pages.

Note: This is not all all-inclusive list that explains all the elements of SEO. This checklist is a quick reference guide for creating SEO content.

Written by Hellen Oti

Hey there, I'm Hellen Oti, a Human Brand Strategist and the Founder of Brisque. I enjoy helping businesses stand out by showcasing their unfair advantage with relatable marketing strategies. At Brisque, we are on a mission to make every company human regardless of how 'boring' or technical your industry or product might be. We help you increase growth with relatable, easy-to-understand marketing strategies that help you connect better and transform your company into a brand that humans love. When I’m not at work, I enjoy hiking, reading, traveling, fictional and non-fictional writing. I am also an experimental chef whose experiments sometimes go terribly wrong. My motto for these experiments: “eat if you dare!”

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